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Friday, August 19, 2011


Do you dare tread the path that leads to my love?
Would you mind diving deep into my sea?
And let the undercurrent of my soul capture you?
Do you dare?
Have you been in love before?
Have you been needed before?
Your flaws ever been adored?
Have you kissed heaven?
Have your feet left ground?
Have you been entranced?
Whisked off?
Has your heart ever beaten out of your chest?
Has it?
What about your body?
Has it been discovered?
Has it been investigated?
Opened up?
Truly felt?
Has it been touched by peace?
Have those butterflies ever fluttered in your stomach before?
Have they made room for your appetite?
Have you been fed?
Have you been filled?
Have you been noticed?
I mean, really noticed?
Has your heart been broken?
Did anybody see it?
Did anybody care to bend down to help you pick up the pieces?
Did they prick themselves?
When it happened, did they ignore it to keep on reassembling?
Are those eyes swelled?
Are you choked up?
Can you breathe?
Your body's escaped you hasn't it?
Are you jonesing?
Have you lost control of your emotions?
Are you embarrassed?
But, do you care?
Have you forgotten the world?
Do other people matter anymore?
Is it just you and her?
Can you picture your life without her?
Do you want to?
Are you satisfied?
Are you happy?
Are you comforted?
Do you feel appreciated?
Well, you just may be in love...